Monthly Archives: June 2009

“Commander in Thief” Demoralizes Our Service Men and Women in Cairo speech; BUMP: “Honor Their Service” Thurs June 25th

Folks, this is what the “FRAUD” in the White House is doing to our military and their families. Please help me to make this go viral over the internet and also mark your calendars for June 25th. A date that will no doubt be a very special and moving day for this country:

please support:

Mr Commander in Thief, You couldn’t be more wrong about Americans. This is the TRUE America:

and this is a how a TRUE Commander in Chief addresses his troops and his countrymen:

and this is how he respects them. Pres Bush puts his own life at risk to make a surprise visit to Iraq to SERVE Thanksgiving dinner to the troops. He then leaves to eat his Thanksgiving dinner on Air Force 1:


Let us pray for our brothers and sisters as they go forth with courage and determination to face the forces of violence, weapons of destruction and hearts filled with hate.


we pray to the Lord:

That the Lord may preserve the members of our Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and Air Force from all harm;

we pray to the Lord:

That even in war, we may keep clearly before us the defense of all human rights, especially the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness;

we pray to the Lord:

That the families, relatives and friends of our military members may be strengthened in this time of concern and anxiety;

we pray to the Lord:

That the Lord may help families with men and women in the armed forces to cope with daily challenges in the absence of their loved ones;

we pray to the Lord:

That our homeland will be preserved from violence and terrorism;

we pray to the Lord:

That the nations of the world will seek to work together in harmony and peace;

we pray to the Lord:

That the hearts of all men and women will be moved to pursue true peace and justice;

we pray to the Lord:

That violence may be overcome by peace; that weapons of destruction be transformed into tools of justice, and hate give way to true charity;

we pray to the Lord:

That grateful for and inspired by those veterans who have given their lives for our country we may bravely face the challenges ahead;

we pray to the Lord:

Lord God, Almighty Father,
creator of mankind and author of peace,
as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess,
we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces.
Give them courage, hope and strength.
May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing.
Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light.
To you be all glory, honor and praise, now and forever.



Archie Bunker on Democrats – Did he have a crystal ball?

Priceless accounting of today from a voice of the past…30 years past: “Father Bunker”

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What Your Children Will “Not” Learn in a Public Education System

Now..Those educated “IN” a public education system, warning..language content and liberal stupidity:

President Obama — the Alderman in Chief of America: UPDATED

Let’s start out with a preface to the most current and blatant abuse from the White House; the illegal firing of an Inspector General who’s job it is to protect our tax dollars that pour into DC:

6/12/2009 RedState: …clearly for political reasons, Barack Obama tried to fire AmeriCorps inspector general, Gerald Walpin. Not only is it for strictly political reasons (Short take: “the AmeriCorps IG accuses prominent Obama supporter of misusing AmeriCorps grant money. Prominent Obama supporter has to pay back more than $400,000 of that grant money. Obama fires AmeriCorps IG.”) but Obama does not have the authority to summarily dismiss an IG as he tried to do last night.

Not since the depression of the 30’s, have we had such an urgent need to have unbiased, ethical and non-partisian inspectors in place to safeguard from abuse of tax payer dollars allocated for economic recovery, but as I have always concluded: “Obama ain’t no FDR”:

6/16/2009 American Thinker: ….FDR asked for vigilance from the American people to ensure the program and federal money was honestly run:

There are chiselers in every walk of life. Every profession has its black sheep….The most effective means of preventing such evils in this work relief program will be the eternal vigilance of the American people themselves. I call upon my fellow citizens everywhere to cooperate with me in making this the most efficient and the cleanest example of public enterprise the world has ever seen…Feel free to criticize. Tell me of instances where work can be done better, or where improper practices prevail.


Harry Hopkins, a close confidant of FDR’s, was placed in charge of the WPA. He worked indefatigably to ensure the program was free of the taint of partisanship, funds were spent-not for political gain in certain areas-but in ways calculated to have the most bang for the buck. Efficiency was a theme harped on throughout the program, both by FDR and Hopkins. They both took criticism to heart and responded when the occasion (relatively rare) required them to do so to uphold their principles. One may argue whether FDR’s program prolonged the Depression. I happen to think that they did. However, the WPA did spend money honestly and efficiently. Hopkins was always the target of politicians who wanted him fired for not going along with cronyism and corruption.


Now we have a President who brought the ways of the Chicago Machine to the highest office of the land. He fires a non-partisan Inspector General who tried to fulfill his duties to the taxpayers of America to ensure their money is spent honestly and efficiently.

When will just one of these elected officials find their spine and stand firm saying:  “enough is enough” from the “Chicago” white house and we’re not going to take it anymore”!

When are our elected officials in DC going to wake up! When are our Governors going to wake up!

We are all now prisoners of the “Chicago White House” and ACORN with “NO HOPE” of rescue anywhere in sight as we seem to have “NOT ONE” elected official, sitting US Attorney General, Federal Judge or Prosecutor willing to do the right thing for our country by upholding the Constitution and our laws.


The most transparent administration ever(pass the barf bucket) is keeping “mum” about its internal investigation of Inspector General Walpin:

At today’s meeting, Sen. Grassley’s staffers wanted to know more about the White House review.  “Unfortunately,” Grassley writes in a letter just sent to White House counsel Gregory Craig, “Mr. Eisen refused to answer several direct questions posed to him about the representations made in his letter.”  Grassley says that since Eisen refused to answer the questions in person, Grassley would submit a dozen of them in writing.  Here they are:

1- Did the [Corporation for National and Community Service] Board communicate its concerns about Mr. Walpin to the White House in writing?

2- Specifically, which CNCS Board members came forward with concerns about Mr. Walpin’s ability to serve as the Inspector General?

3- Was the communication about the Board’s concerns on or about May 20, 2009 the first instance of any communications with White House personnel regarding the possibility of removing Mr. Walpin?

4- Which witnesses were interviewed in the course of Mr. Eisen’s review?

5- How many witnesses were interviewed?

6- Were any employees of the Office of Inspector General, who may have had more frequent contact with Mr. Walpin than the Board members, interviewed?

7- Was Mr. Walpin asked directly during Mr. Eisen’s review about the events of May 20, 2009?

8- Was Mr. Walpin asked for his response to the allegations submitted to the Integrity Committee by Acting U.S. Attorney Lawrence Brown?

9- What efforts were made during Mr. Eisen’s review to obtain both sides of the story or to afford the Office of Inspector General an opportunity to be heard?

10- In addition to the claim that Mr. Walpin was “confused” and “disoriented,” the letter also says he exhibited “other behavior” that led to questions about his capacity. What other behavior was Mr. Eisen referencing?

11- If the initial and primary concern had to do with Mr. Walpin’s capacity to serve for potential health reasons, why was he only given one hour to decide whether to resign or be fired?

12- If Mr. Walpin’s telecommuting arrangements since the beginning of this year were a major concern, then why was Mr. Walpin not simply asked to stop telecommuting?

Grassley asks the White House for a response in writing by Wednesday, June 24.

Now, these seem like legitimate questions that the white house should have been able to answer immediately, well, that is if we are to think that the firing was actually legit.

Obama, Acorn & the Firing of an Ethical Inspector General

Yep, this guy is just senile..”NOT”. . . this is not only disgusting, it is white house politics in worst form since the founding of this nation:

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OUCH! Cavuto v. Obama

The video clip says it all..GO Cavuto!!!

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more about "OUCH! Cavuto v. Obama", posted with vodpod

Herseth-Sandlin Votes for $108 Billion to IMF

The only addition I shall make to the title of this post is the fact that the oversight of the $108 billion will look similar to our new “Chicago” White House oversight committee:


Photoshop credit: Leo Alberti

29 Minutes That Can Save Your Life

Here it is folks, Mark breaks down the history of the US health care system and how a completely nationalized health care system will destroy our health as we know it today:

Listen to the entire 3 hour June 12, 2009 show, commercial free and free of charge at “The Mark Levin Show“. At Mark’s site you also have free access to all the links Mark used in his research on Nationalized health care

UPDATED:New Health Care Tax: $8,000 For Every Family of Four On Top of the Cost of the Mandated Health Insurance

pic_homie_05-21-09_AUpdates are in red:

Dem’s say: “uh, but it’s only,uh, uh, a pittance uh, uh compared to what we are already going to uh, uh, soak you with…uh…so what’s the big deal?”

News came out today that the Health Care legislation being drafted by the Democrats will include a 600 billion dollar tax increase and a $400 billion reduction in Medicare and Medicaid services(cuts in medical care for our military and elderly).

WaPo:In his weekly radio address, Obama proposed limiting the growth of Medicare fee-for-service payments …(snip)… Obama also proposed slashing subsidies to hospitals that treat uninsured patients, on the theory that very few uninsured patients will remain in the wake of reform. (Umm, kinda ignorant thinking of him, in light of his view to keep the doors open for the illegal immigrants who are the super majority of this type of abuse)

If we take this into perspective, as it will affect every single breathing body in the United States as medical insurance will now be mandatory if this is passed, the cost to each and every man, woman and child will be a mere $2000(estimated and rounded off) a year. Of course this is a low-ball estimate as they also said the cost of their program will in all likelihood be upwards of a trillion dollars and we all know how accurate their numbers are.

“There is no doubt that Medicare and Medicaid need reform, but serious changes should not be rushed through Congress as part of a new government-run program that will raise taxes and make health care more expensive, costing middle-class families even more,” said House  Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio).

So, the average family of 4 will be taxed an additional $8,000 a year on top of having to pay for their mandated health insurance. Oh, wait a minute, not everyone pays taxes, so double that number as only half of the country’s households pay income tax.

The good news is, the Dems are getting a lot of flack and feed-back from the moderates in their own party, so let’s keep up the pressure on DC and get this squashed, bagged up and thrown out into the trash-heap of bad legislation where it belongs.

But like other parts of Obama’s plan to pay for health reform, the measures announced today are likely to be met with skepticism on Capitol Hill. Many lawmakers are not enthusiastic about slashing payments to hospitals and other providers back home without clear evidence that the cuts will not hurt patients. Even small cuts on the Senate Finance Committee list have provoked widespread grumbling.

Aides in Senate Finance and House Ways and Means, whose members are now working furiously to draft health reform financing plans, predicted today that Obama’s new proposals would “raise some hackles” and spur “some pushback.”

It was also unclear whether $950 billion would indeed be enough to cover the full cost of reform. Some outside analysts have said that Congress may have to spend $1.5 trillion or more…

read full atricle here

AP Disses Holocaust Museum Shooting for Obama Affirmative Action Agenda

AP biased today in history june 12 2009

Even hisorical reporting is not safe from the “Obama Bias” cult:

Forget the fact that Virginia, in 1776 the colonial legislature passed the 1st “Bill of Rights”; Forget that in 1967, the Supreme Court threw out a Virginia state law banning interracial marriages; Forget the fact on this day in 1929, Holocaust diarist Anne Frank, who’s memoir is amongst the most revered accounting’s of the Jewish plight during Hitler’s reign, was born.

In reflection of this weeks  events and the attack on the Holocaust Museum in DC, the birth of Anne Frank would have been the appropriate highlight for “Today in History”, but no:

Instead AP chooses to ‘highlight” a civil rights murder in some sick agenda to cloud the fact that the civil rights struggle ended 0ver 40 years ago.

In my humble opinion, this is just another example of a media tool being abused to help promote “affirmative action” and keep racial tensions alive for the leftist liberal agenda.