American Values & the Survival of Our Republic & the Constitution

Is American political demographics changing?

Is there a new wave set to ride in upon the American landscape?

Are the DNC & RNC about to meet their maker?

Americans are tired and fed up with business as usual in Washington and are looking for a renewed kind of leadership. Leadership that is deepy rooted in the principles of our founding fathers & the Constitution.

We are continuely harrassed by the far left & also the moderate rights who claim we must move farther to the left to be accepted.

I reject that notion and millions more do also. We reject politicians that were elected on their promise of smaller government only to have them turn their backs on us once they have settled into their cozy Washington elitist world.

We are Silent No More and We are Here to Stay, So Get Used to It!

Our Voices ‘WILL’ Be Heard!

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